Meeting the Deadline

November 29, 2029

Is the due deadline for this project. This is about five years from now.

What is due, exactly?

Ten-Thousand Hours of dedication for the things that I want to get done in my life. I bargain with destiny, and that's the price I offer. Ten Thousand Hours of uninterrupted Work. This includes my studies, books, languages, and soft skills. As mentioned, there is no cemented content plan - life requires flexibility.

But what is certain is that I have (of Jan. 29, 2024) 2129 days to deal in 10.000 hours - that is 4.697 hours a day, and we will make it 5 hours for simplicity. Ø5 hours a day for over 2000 days.

well, ehh, ten-th...yes, how is it going?

see for yourself

this is the live-counter - cruel facts

this is me - probably livestreaming rn

what I am doing

the matchplan

Think about it, the only steady and predictable part of the day is the morning.

Therefore, I tap into this peaceful atmosphere and stram most mornings from 5.55 a.m (UTC+1) until my first duty forces me to interrupt.

During the stream, I do 60/10 pomodoro sessions. Besides, there will be an eye-protection watch, following the 20-20-20 rule: Look 20 feet (Dear USA, please fix this!!) into the distance for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.

Of course, there are some days where I can't stream - my weks are just too unpredictable. To keep up the accountability, I record my offline study hours via Forest. Evidence is posted in the liveticker.

why streaming?

OC to be popular! The essence of this project is this: I want to expose myself to the controllable and constructive pressure of (potentially) being watched. If, in the end, someone actually studies with me, does not influence this "force", the perceived responsibility I seek.

If you care about your future and need some routine for getting things right in your life, I encourage you to join at any time.

If you don't care, go scroll on TikTok.


an antidote

Distractions, everywhere, inevitably. They pull us of course with a power we often can't handle. I attempt to build a sanctuary to shield myself from meaningless expediency. To me, it is about regaining control and using my time. That means, clearly separating work from leisure and living intensively in both domains.






A constructive pinch of pressure. Potentially being watched and having a fixed deadline make me feel responsible.

Visualizing my success by means of the scoreboard is a source of motivation for bad days. Never break the streak!

Streaming makes studying a less-boring game. It adds pleasure and makes time fly by.

This is primarily my personal project. If, however, someone watches, and I can help that person to hang tight 5 minutes longer in whatever has to be done, I'd be over the moon!

I'm conditioning myself: If stream, then work. It's unga bunga easy.